
Kickstarters and FronTiers

Kickstarters and FronTiers

2nd Dynasty has a long history of crowdfunding. We rely on our community a lot, not just to help support our endeavours by buying awesome 3D printable starship designs, but also to let us know what they like and are looking for. Ever since our first Kickstarter in 2017, we have campaigned several times a year with our new releases, expanding our initial offerings with stretch goals and milestones, and every time we have kicked our funding goals out of the park. This page records our crowdfunding history from latest to oldest.

Tansport Delta 2400-Series – FronTiers

The 2400-Series of Transport Delta launched on FronTiers the 6th of February 2024. The 28-mm ship has similarities with the original Delta, which was released 2019, but this design is rebuilt from the ground up, using all the knowledge we’ve acquired in the last five years as we’ve honed our craft. Read more about it here

Traveller Small Craft – Kickstarter

Our fourth Traveller campaign, the 28-mm Traveller Small Craft, launched on Kickstarter in Autumn 2023. It includes the 20-Ton Launch, the 30-Ton Ship’s Boat, the 40-Ton Pinnace and the 50-Ton Modular Cutter. The pledge manager is still open at MyMiniFactory.

Operation Maelstroem – Kickstarter

The Operation Maelstrom campaign launched on Kickstarter in the Summer 2023. It is a collection of eight 28-mm 3D printable aerospace craft. Each Aerospace Vehicle is highly detailed and customisable. In this campaign we also featured a ton of new exclusive add-ons and chief among them is the Modular Outpost and Modular Control Tower.

The Odyssey – FronTiers

Odyssey is a 28-mm scaled starship design from 2nd Dynasty based on an original concept for what became Starship Chimera. Initially envisaged as a minor update to add curved hull pieces to the Chimera line of starships, the muses struck, and Odyssey was born! Read about the Odyssey FronTiers here!

Traveller Free Trader Beowulf – Kickstarter

In the Autumn of 2022 we launched our third Traveller campaign, this time on Kickstarter. The iconic 28-mm scale Type A Free Trader Beowulf is massive and it’s three decks makes it an ideal player ship for adventuring in the far future.

Shuttle Alpha MKIV – Kickstarter & FronTiers

In the Summer of 2022 we redesigned our best selling Space Shuttle Alpha and the Shuttle Alpha MK IV is the result. After the Kickstarter campaign we had a short second campaign on FronTiers to unlock some extra stretch goals.

Starship: The Next Generation (TNG) – FronTiers

In the Spring of 2022 we did a reimagining of our original Starship (see below) tiles, updating them to 2022 standards and beyond! This was released in the FronTiers campaign Starship: The Next Generation.

Traveller Starship Miniatures – Kickstarter

In the Autumn of 2021 our second Traveller campaign took place on Kickstarter. A series of 26 ship miniatures, both at 1:270 scale and tactical scale (sized to fit on a 1″ hex), was a result of this campaign.

Traveller Type S Scout/Courier – FronTiers

Our very first Traveller campaign launched at FronTiers (well, technically it was not called FronTiers then, it was MyMiniFactory’s first dip in the crowdfunding waters that later became Frontiers) in the Summer of 2021. The iconic Type S Scout/Courier (28mm scale) was the main ship, but there was also character miniatures, air raft vehicles, our own 28-mm Beta Centauri and much more.

Starship V Sleipnir – Kickstarter

In Autumn of 2020 we launched a vertical ship of a harder sci-fi design and her dedicated crew at Kickstarter. Starship V Sleipnir is a 28-mm scale highly detailed ship with eleven decks from bridge to engineering and modular interior and exterior.

It has many add-ons to alter the external appearance, with additional PDCs, Rail Gun, Torpedo Tubes, and a larger, single engine if you want it to look more like a certain Martian gunship.

Starship IV Chimera – Kickstarter

Our biggest and most versatile ship at the time was the 28-mm Starship IV Chimera which launched on Kickstarter in the Autumn of 2019. The campaign also included the Pathfinder, a smaller ship in the Chimera series.

Since then, Odyssey, Cerberus, Pegasus and Ataphoi have all been developed from its modular parts.

Starship III – Kickstarter

In many ways 2nd Dynasty started with Starship III. Despite it being our third Kickstarter, this is the first campaign in which we offered complete starships. In January, 2019, the 28-mm starships Space Shuttle Alpha MKII, Scout Ship Beta and Transport Delta were introduced. See our Kickstarter page here.

Starship II – Kickstarter

Our second Kickstarter launched in the Spring of 2018. Once again we focused on 28-mm sci-fi terrain tiles for tabletop games, this time it included corridor, hangar and engineering tiles.

Starship I – Kickstarter

In September 2017 our first Kickstarter, Starship, premiered. It all started with the love of tabletop role-playing and 3D. We had noticed that there were limited options when it comes to sci-fi themed 3D printed tile sets, especially for spaceship deck plans. Packed with 28-mm terrain tiles like walls, floors, habitation rooms, engineering equipment and control panels this Starship took 2nd Dynasty on a path through space we keep exploring.